Combine Targeted Advertising with Segmentation for the Most Effective Strategy to Increase Conversions

This should be the year to embrace the power of targeted advertising and segmented ad campaigns. Although these strategies have existed for a while now, the powerful combination isn’t widespread.
Segment your targets into leads, current customers, and previous customers. Create Lookalike Audiences (Facebook/LinkedIn/AdWords, etc) off of the combined list for a fourth segment. Now, create four different ad campaigns (complete with their own headlines, graphics, and landing pages) speaking directly to each of those segments.
Focus On Increasing Profits, Not Price

Our Managing Director, Louis Tanguay, recently wrote an article for the California Business Journal about how to increase your business by 30% or more. Here’s a link to that original article.
Below, we’re written a little lead-in explanation, and an additional tip for you which expands on the initial concept Jay Abraham created.
Marketing Collateral – No Such Thing As A “Throw Away” Item

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Hey, I don’t need to spend a lot of money on this piece of marketing collateral, because all I’m going to do it give 1,000 of these away. They’re throw away items, don’t waste money or time on these?” I’ll tell you that’s the exact wrong thinking.
Why is this wrong? Because that “throw away” item might be the only thing a prospective customer ever sees of your business. Your goal is the drum up awareness, interest, and (hopefully) more business, yes? Then why cut corners and have your first impression be cheaply made? Is that truly the type of representative of your company and quality control you want them to see of your company?
Our Managing Director, Louis Tanguay, wrote a whole article on this for the California Business Journal. Check it out here:
Small Business Marketing 101 (Online Version)
Congratulations! You have a small business and you’re either just starting out, or you know you need some help to move to another level. You’re seeking out some advice and ideas. This is the first step to getting to that next level. You’re already ahead of the thousands of other Small Businesses which feel that “figuring it out” is the best course of action. This is why you’ll still be in business when they’re packing up the final boxes and wondering what went wrong.
Top 3 Mistakes Small Business Owners Make
Small Businesses sometimes make mistakes. A small business isn’t by nature prone to any more mistakes than the big businesses. They just generally suffer from some of the more basic mistakes due usually to the fact that the business owner wears many hats and might not be able to have the type of delegation which a large corporation has. This by natures creates some undersight through no fault of the small business owner. Also due to the constant busy state most small business owners find themselves in, the inability to stay focused on what’s important creates some issues. We have isolated, outlined, and recommended remedies for the 3 Biggest Mistakes which many small business owners make which causes lost profits. Please share this with your network of small business owners, so we can help as many as possible.
Effective Small Business Marketing Strategies Make Everything Possible [VIDEO]
In the video above, there is a mention that “everything is possible with the right strategy.” This is an empowering and important thought. Tony Robbins, the great DIY business owner and self-help guru said once that “Success Leaves Breadcrumbs.” This essentially means that there are any number of steps one can take to achieve the same, or similar success another has experienced. One just needs to know how to find where those breadcrumbs are, how to track them, and which path of breadcrumbs is the right path of breadcrumbs for your small business, and for your business strategy. Whatever it is you want to accomplish can be accomplished; and probably already has been accomplished. If anyone can do it, then you can do it.
Why A Cheap Website Costs You More Money Than A Professionally Designed Website

In this article, I’m going to prove how building a cheap website, or how using a cheap template website is going to cost you way more than just spending a little more money upfront to an expert would cost.
This is something many professional web designers fail to explain properly to their clients and prospective clients, so I hope to help them out a little here, too.
Top 5 Website Mistakes You Shouldn’t Be Making
Whatever size your business is, chances are, you’re making some major mistakes when it comes to your website. We have listed the Top 5 biggest mistakes below. There are more, but these are the top of the top and will have the biggest negative effect on your business. These all must be corrected ASAP, because each of these hinders your ability to get found, get more clients, and ultimately use your website for what it’s meant for…to help your increase your business!
E-Mail Marketing Basics for Small Businesses
One of the most important steps a small business can take in their marketing today is to establish and grow a list of interested potential customers to communicate with on a regular basis. Some prefer to do this through Social Media, but the most effective form of this is best handled through E-Mail Marketing.
Build Your Business Through Partnerships and Affiliations

A great way to create more revenue streams is by offering to partner up with other companies who aren’t your direct competition, but are in your field. For example, a printer should definitely partner up with a website design company. A dog walker could partner up with a few pet supply stores in their area. The possibilities are limited only by the extent of your imagination.