Writing Content for Search Engines and Conversions
When writing content it seems like most bloggers and writers have various view-points, but only a few write for the Big Three: Search Engine Rankings, Human Conversions, and Human Interest. You will see any given blogger writing for one of these three focal points, sometimes will you see posts written with two of these, but rarely will you see all three. Let’s break each down, then give you some tips on how to be one of the best bloggers out there!
Search Engines aren’t going to sign up for an e-mail list, and they aren’t going to buy your products and services. However, they can bring a great deal of traffic to your posts.
What is Keyword Density and Does It Effect SEO Rankings?
Keyword Density is a ratio of desired search terms displayed in the content of a page to the overall content of that page. For example, let’s say you’re an auto mechanic in Santa Monica, CA who specializes in fixing domestic vehicles. One of your Keywords might be “Domestic Auto Mechanic Santa Monica.” Another might be “Auto Repair Santa Monica.” Still another might be “Car Repair Santa Monica.” Of course, your specific keywords should be researched and determined for maximum impact.
Your Keyword Density Ratio would be the ratio of keywords-to-“normal” words in any particular page or post on your website. The lower the density, the less search engines will feel you adequately address the desired topic and search terms. The higher the density, and you could be down-graded or penalize for what is called “keyword stuffing.”
Business Blogging 101: An Introduction to Blogging for the Newbie Blogger

Woe be the modern day business website which doesn’t have a blog on their actual business’ website. Having a Blog on a 3rd party network is not a good idea, because you don’t own that space (even if you’re paying a fee), you can’t fully control everything about the blog, and you are wasting valuable SEO by generating a bunch of traffic to give higher rankings to that 3rd party network, not your own site.