Social Media Strategy for Small Business Owners

Social Media is all the rage these days. Everyone (practically) has a Facebook page, and there are stats upon stats which would blow your mind about the frequency people are on Facebook. More than any other site in history, Facebook has been the single most important website to connect with others personally and professionally. It’s reunited long lost friends, old classmates, and even long-extinguished romantic flames (much to the chagrin of some currently ignited romantic flames). Point here is that with Facebook, Twitter, and now Google Plus, Social Media is the new “Media.”
Google+ – 10 First Impressions of Google’s “Facebook Killer”
Google+ has been out for under 6 months now, and early adapters have been on the social network for the majority of that time. However, most of the Internet-using public is still not actively using the new social network. The following is our impression of Google’s new social network, after being on Google+ for a few months now.
5 Film Flaws Independent Filmmakers Make

Yes, that title has a lot of alliteration going on there, huh? Well, the truth is that there are usually many many more flaws in the average indie film, but what we are talking about in this post are the really big issues which is usually the difference from getting a film sold and having a film collect dust in your attic for years to come. Fix these five flaws and you’ll be on your way to selling your film!
Business Blogging 101: An Introduction to Blogging for the Newbie Blogger

Woe be the modern day business website which doesn’t have a blog on their actual business’ website. Having a Blog on a 3rd party network is not a good idea, because you don’t own that space (even if you’re paying a fee), you can’t fully control everything about the blog, and you are wasting valuable SEO by generating a bunch of traffic to give higher rankings to that 3rd party network, not your own site.
Who Should Build Your Company’s Website?

Congratulations! You’re about to design, or update, your company’s website! This is an exciting time, because your website nowadays is your image and presence on the Internet for any and all prospective customers to see and use. These days, your website is your business card, store front, receptionist, and representation of your business all wrapped up in one element.
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