Social Media Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses

You own a small business, and know that over one billion people are using social media. How can you run your business, and find time to use social media to connect with potential and current customers, all while still trying to find the time to have a semblance of a personal life? We can help you with your social media marketing strategy by breaking down some best practices for you here.
Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google Plus, and LinkedIn are all social networks, but that’s pretty much where the similarity ends. Most small businesses don’t have the time to invest in varying their messages to effectively communicate with each very different social network audience. So, some small business owners resort to using programs which duplicate the same content across all the networks to save time and effort, but that is not an effective strategy.
Understanding the Different Social Network Personalities
Have you ever wondered why your automated posts aren’t getting the results you want? How about when you post the same piece of content on 10 different social networks, and there’s no bump in your website traffic? What’s going on? Does Social Media NOT WORK? I’m here to give away a Social Media Marketing secret that’s will be pretty obvious once I divulge it, but yet most marketers and Small Business owners don’t take the extra step in their strategic thought process to get to it.
Here it is: Each different Social Network has a different personality, and once you know how to
Facebook Timeline For Pages is Here – Now How Do You Use It?
It’s a very exciting day for those who focus on the future of Facebook Brand Pages and what this means for doing business and acquiring fans on Facebook. Your Facebook Timeline Page is not a substitute for an actual website for many reasons, but it can be the most effective business tool you have other than your actual website.
Social Media Strategy for Small Business Owners

Social Media is all the rage these days. Everyone (practically) has a Facebook page, and there are stats upon stats which would blow your mind about the frequency people are on Facebook. More than any other site in history, Facebook has been the single most important website to connect with others personally and professionally. It’s reunited long lost friends, old classmates, and even long-extinguished romantic flames (much to the chagrin of some currently ignited romantic flames). Point here is that with Facebook, Twitter, and now Google Plus, Social Media is the new “Media.”