Film and Entertainment Marketing

Having talented creative marketing executives with over six years experience working for two major film studios has enabled Circle Marketing to bring our creative marketing expertise to the Film and Entertainment world. After working on high-profile major studio campaigns, we can deliver that same marketing and creative expertise to any film which was made for any budget. It’s not the size of the film budget which counts, it’s the quality of the script, talent of the production crew, and creative marketing which makes a film successful.
Marketing Strategy for Independent Films
You have written the script, cast the film, shot the film, edited your film, and put your hard-earned money (or other’s trustfully-invested money) into your vision. Now, you need people to buy the film, distribute it, and make millions on your way to the award ceremonies on the festival circuit, right? Wrong.
You forgot the most important part about making the film. Marketing it. If you rely only on selling the film to a distributor or studio, then what happens if (and this is more likely to happen than you like) no one buys the film? What then?
5 Film Flaws Independent Filmmakers Make

Yes, that title has a lot of alliteration going on there, huh? Well, the truth is that there are usually many many more flaws in the average indie film, but what we are talking about in this post are the really big issues which is usually the difference from getting a film sold and having a film collect dust in your attic for years to come. Fix these five flaws and you’ll be on your way to selling your film!